So if you didn't already know, I am the new Children's Minister at my church. I feel like that title carries some big shoes to fill but I have to remember that it is not about me and my efforts. I am loving my job, it is flexible, I am off on Fridays, and I never really feel like I am at work. Sometimes I feel like there is so much to do I don't even know where to start. One of my favorite parts of my job is that I get to go to Hope House and see my kiddos that I used to teach once a week. Getting to work at Hope House (a preschool for kids infected/affected by HIV/AIDS that I worked at right out of college for 2 years) really created a passion in me for these kids. Every Monday that I get to go see them I feel so blessed. To learn more about Hope House go to These kids have become a part of me, who I am, what I care about, why I do some of the things I do....and I thought it was just going to be a job. I have been so blessed to have jobs that really made a difference, and I am so excited to get to work with kids again, and I am even more excited to be able to combine something that I am so passionate about with my current job (if you can even call it a job, it feels more like a privilege!)
Irish Pub Salad
9 hours ago